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Nene Education Trust - Statutory Information 

Vacancies for positions at our School will be published below.

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For the latest vacancies at other schools within the Trust, please visit the Nene Education Trust website

The Chair of the Local Committee is Julie Barke who is contactable via the school office. We share our Local Committee with Raunds Park Infant School.

The role of those serving on Local Committee is an important one, and they are a key support to the school’s leadership team, ensuring there is local community engagement with the school and that the academy serves its local community. Over the course of their term of office, members of Local Committees will get to know their school well. In addition to attending formal meetings, they are likely to visit the school (and Visits Policy to support with this), attend school events and may also be involved in recruitment. They can be asked to participate in panels, for example if this is required to hear complaints, or for exclusions. Training will be provided for members of Local Committees who may be involved in panels

For all other governance information please Visit the Trust Governance Page

Visit the Trust Governance Documents Page

The local committee's register of attendance can be found on the Trust site above. 

Leadership Team

Mr Mark Currell Principal and DSL for Safeguarding
Mr Chris Innes Vice Principal, Upper Phase Leader, Maths Lead, DSL for Safeguarding
Miss Tracy Innes Middle Leader 
Mrs Sarah Robinson SENCo and Lead DSL for Safeguarding

Teaching Staff

Miss T Innes Year 6 Class Teacher
Mr C Innes Year 6 Class Teacher  (Vice Principal)
Miss V Clark Year 6 Class Teacher
Mrs B Dorman Year 5 Class Teacher
Mrs R Luker Year 5 Class Teacher
Mrs H Carr Year 5 Class Teacher
Miss F Whalley Year 4  Teacher  
Mrs S Faulkner Year 4 Teacher
Mrs K Ash Cover Teacher .uk
Mrs N Roper Year 3 Class Teacher
Mr T Hunt Year 3 Class Teacher 

Administration Staff

Mrs Wendy Lamacraft Office Admin 
Mrs Jade Cooney Office Admin 

Inclusion & Pastoral Team

Mrs S Robinson SENDCO and DSL 
Mrs Carole Rose Inclusion Manager
Mrs Carol Baker Teaching Assistant  
Miss Amanda Lawrence Teaching Assistant  
Mrs Nikita Smith Teaching Assistant  
Mrs Joanne Prior Teaching Assistant  
Miss Vicki Hardy Teaching Assistant
Mrs Sam Reade  Teaching Assistant

Facilities Team

Name Role
Ms Amanda Lawrence  Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Wendy Lamacraft Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Chrissie Nash Lunchtime Supervisor
Ms Alexandra Bala Lunchtime Supervisor

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Copyright 2024 © St Peter's CE Primary Academy

Registered number : 7816548 (England and Wales)
Principal: Mr Mark Currell BEd Hons, NPQH

Telephone: 01933 622400

Web: Tapiochre