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Year 5 Teaching Staff

Year 5 comprises St Cecilia - Mrs Dorman and Mrs Pearson, TA - Mrs Prior :  St Mary - Mrs Luker and Mrs Ruddy, TA - Mrs Baker


Year 5 Summer Term

We have a very busy summer term planned!  In English, we will be starting a picture book called ‘Gorilla’, by Anthony Browne.  This is a lovely story with beautiful illustrations about a nigh time adventure.  In Guided Reading, St Mary will finish Liliput and start to read The Fastest Boy in the World, while St Cecelia will begin to read Liliput and discover the adventure of a tiny girl in a giant world.  In maths, we will begin to look at shape including measuring angles, followed by a unit on Position and Direction, and some more work on decimals to consolidate learning for earlier on in the year.  In RE, we will be considering how we can make our town a more respectful place to live, followed by Creation or science: conflicting or complementary?  Children will learn what life was like for the Maya civilization, and make comparisons to the Anglo-Saxons on the other side of the World.  Science will introduce Properties and Changes of Materials, as well as our trip to The Space Centre following our topic on Earth and Space before Easter.  In Computing, we will be learning about Programming, and how we can give a computer rules to follow.  In Music, we will be learning to improvise around chords, followed by a Battle of the Bands to finish the summer term.  We will be learning about The Romans and Habitats in our French topics.  Our PSHE scheme starts with a topic on Relationships and A Changing Me, which will be taught through some individual and some group tasks.

Reading at Home:

All children are expected to read regularly every week to an adult and have it signed in their planner by an adult at home. Every five reads earns a merit. When they have read 25 times, they will receive a golden ticket  which will be placed in a prize draw at the end of each half term.

Home/School Planner:

Could you please ensure that your child brings their home/school planner in to school every day. Please feel free to write any comments in it.

Every Friday your child will bring their planner home which will have been signed by their teacher. This should be countersigned by the parent/carer and returned to school again on Monday morning. Children will receive a merit for planners that have been signed when returned on Monday.

Our Classroom Rules:

  • Be respectful.
  • Maintain a clean learning environment.
  • Follow any teachers’ directions the first time.
  • Take responsibility for yourself.

Year 5 Home Learning

Year 5 Curriculum


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Registered number : 7816548 (England and Wales)
Principal: Mr Mark Currell BEd Hons, NPQH

Telephone: 01933 622400

Web: Tapiochre