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Collective worship takes place daily at the beginning of the school day.  It is an opportunity for the whole school to gather together to learn about our key values and to worship God (if they so wish). Collective worship is always inclusive, inspirational and invitational no matter where it is held or who is leading. 

Collective worship planning supports the teaching of our six key Christian values – one per term.  Our key values were chosen by the students, parents, governors and staff.

In addition to our 6 key values, the liturgical calendar is referenced as part of collective worship and key dates are celebrated across the year, including harvest, advent, Candlemas, Easter and Pentecost. 


A representative from the  Four Spires Benefice, leads collective worship on Thursdays, focusing on the value for the term.  This enables the school to build excellent links with the local church, with both the school and church working in partnership together.  


The structure of collective worship contains four main elements from the Roots and Fruits collective worship materials.  These are as follows:


Light the 3 candles.

Share the opening liturgy at the start of worship.

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A story, some drama, a poem about God and his teachings.


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An opportunity to reflect on the learning. What might God be saying to us through our worship?

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How do you think we might respond, be challenged or inspired as a result of the worship?

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Home School Values

These A4 sheets support our children to explore the ‘value in focus’ at home where they can share a Bible story with the whole family and complete lots of fun activities. Click on the relevant value to find out more.

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Copyright 2024 © St Peter's CE Primary Academy

Registered number : 7816548 (England and Wales)
Principal: Mr Mark Currell BEd Hons, NPQH

Telephone: 01933 622400

Web: Tapiochre