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Year 4 Teaching Staff

Year 4 comprises St Martha - Mrs Ash and St Andrew - Miss Whalley 


Throughout the Summer term, Year 4 Maths will comprise of decimals, money, time and shape. In English, they will explore poetry by studying Maya Angelou’s poem, “Still I Rise”. The children will use this to inspire their own poetry writing about rising above bullying. Throughout this poetry unit, children will explore the use of rhyme, similes and metaphors to create their own powerful piece of poetry. They will then have the opportunity to perform their poems in front of their peers.

The remaining English topics link with our CUSP curriculum for this term, specifically History. The term will begin with children learning all about the Ancient Egyptians, with a focus on their civilisations and achievements in history. We will learn and write a biography about the pharaoh Hatsheput, and we will also read The Secrets of a Sun King, which is a fictional adaptation on the early life of Tutankhamun. Children will write their own diary entries based on the characters and events of this book.

In Science, children will investigate Electricity by constructing a simple series electrical circuit to help them to identify and name each of its parts. They will also recognise some common conductors and insulators and associate metals with being good conductors. We will then move on to Sound, identifying how sounds are made how they travel through a medium to the ear. Children will also find patterns between pitch, volume and distance.

In Religious Education, Year 4 are exploring the question ‘When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?’ in Summer 1 and will be discussing the events that followed Easter to support them in answering this question. The key concept here will be The Kingdom of God. In Summer 2, the children will be exploring the question, ‘What kind of world did Jesus want?’ with Gospel being the key concept.

Our music topics this term are ‘Connecting Notes and Feelings’ and ‘Purpose, Identity and Expression in Music’. Within these topics, children will explore how music connects us with our environment and how it shapes our way of life. They will listen and appraise, perform and compose music within each topic.

The French topic for this term is ‘En Clase’. The children will learn the names for a variety of classroom objects and begin to say and write sentences of their own about the classroom in French.

In PE, Year 4 will be learning and applying a range of skills in both Athletics and Rounders. They will also continue to work on their agility, balance and coordination skills in a range of game contexts using Real PE. The focus will be on the Physical and Health and Fitness cogs.

Reading at Home:

All children are expected to read regularly every week to an adult and have it signed in their planner by an adult at home. Every five reads earns a merit. When they have read 25 times, they will receive a golden ticket  which will be placed in a prize draw at the end of each half term..

Home/School Planner:

Could you please ensure that your child brings their home/school planner in to school every day. Please feel free to write any comments in it.

Every Friday your child will bring their planner home which will have been signed by their teacher. This should be countersigned by the parent/carer and returned to school again on Monday morning. Children will receive a merit for planners that have been signed when returned on Monday.

Our Classroom Rules:

  • Be respectful.
  • Maintain a clean learning environment.
  • Follow any teachers’ directions the first time.
  • Take responsibility for yourself

Year 4 Home Learning

Year 4 Curriculum

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Registered number : 7816548 (England and Wales)
Principal: Mr Mark Currell BEd Hons, NPQH

Telephone: 01933 622400

Web: Tapiochre