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Year 6 Teaching Staff

Year 6 comprises St David - Mr Innes and Miss Clark and St Patrick - Miss Innes. TA - Mrs Rose.


During the Spring term, Year 6 Maths lessons will be focussing on ratio, algebra, decimals, fractions relating to decimals and percentages, area perimeter and volume and lastly statistics. In English, we will be basing our writing on the story, Letters from the lighthouse where we will be writing a continuation story and then Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo for story writing. In guided reading lessons we will be reading Goodnight Mister Tom which we will then also use to write persuasive letters and character descriptions

In our history lessons, Year 6 will study the Windrush generation and their legacy during the mid to late 20th century. In geography we will look at physical processes which will include earthquakes, mountains and volcanoes then move on to studying different types of settlements and economic activity within them.

In Science this term, the children will be studying animals including humans where we will look at the circulatory system and then water transportation in the human body.

In Religious Education, Year 6 will be exploring what kind of king Jesus was and how his teachings can help us in our daily life. Nearer to Easter the children will study The Resurrection of Christ.

Our PSHE sessions will focus on dreams and goals for the new year and keeping ourselves healthy.

In our ICT lessons, the children will be explore creating media and then studying information on spreadsheets.

Our music lessons will be developing confidence through performing, singing and developing their understanding of notation. In French lessons we will be discussing weekends plans linking to previous learning on time then learning about different cultures around the world.

In our art and DT lessons we will be investigating food and nutrition and using collage techniques.

Our PE lessons will consist of a mixture of gymnastics and real PE where we will focus on social skills and the river crossing game.

Reading at Home:

All children are expected to read regularly every week to an adult and have it signed in their planner by an adult at home. Every five reads earns a merit. When they have read 25 times, they will receive a golden ticket  which will be placed in a prize draw at the end of each half term.

Home/School Planner:

Could you please ensure that your child brings their home/school planner in to school every day. Please feel free to write any comments in it.

Every Friday your child will bring their planner home which will have been signed by their teacher. This should be countersigned by the parent/carer and returned to school again on Monday morning. Children will receive a merit for planners that have been signed when returned on Monday.

Our Classroom Rules:

  • Be respectful.
  • Maintain a clean learning environment.
  • Follow any teachers’ directions the first time.
  • Take responsibility for yourself.

Year 6 Home Learning

Year 6 Curriculum

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Registered number : 7816548 (England and Wales)
Principal: Mr Mark Currell BEd Hons, NPQH

Telephone: 01933 622400

Web: Tapiochre