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Year 3 Teaching Staff

Year 3 comprises St George - Mrs Roper and TA Miss Lawrence    St Christopher - Mrs Robinson TA - Mrs Smith


Summer Term

Year 3 have an exciting term ahead!

Guided reading covers Tom’s Sausage Lion by Michael Morpurgo, Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine and Go Mo, Go by Mo Farah and Kes Gray.  The children will continue to develop their VIPER skills to retrieve, predict, infer and summarise whilst extending their bank of known vocabulary.

Writing in the Summer Term will consist of a narrative called The Magic Paintbrush, the diary of Iliona, a Roman slave girl and lastly, a poetry unit related to the five senses.  Through these texts, the children will continue to sentence stack to enable them to develop their own innovations based on a model text.

The maths units covered in this last term of the year will be money, time, shape and statistics.  The children will also continue to develop their speed and accuracy of the 2,5,10,3,4 and 8 times tables.

The final units of Religious Education focus on ‘What it is like to follow God’ and the children will then dig deeper into other concepts of the subject.

In science, Year 3 will study plants, light and animals including humans which will include investigations in each unit – plenty of exciting discoveries await!

Art will cover the topic of 3D artwork which focuses on sculpture and relief work. Design and technology will involve exploring structures – spanning gaps.  The children will be able to design and build their own structure, reflect and improve.

In computing, the children will begin programming and develop their skills in this area of the computing curriculum.

OS map skills and fieldwork will be the topic in Geography in the Summer Term – the children will learn how to read a map and develop their fieldwork skills.

History relates to one of our English texts – Iliona, the diary of a Roman slave girl.  The children will delve into the exciting world of Rome and the impact it had on Britain.  This will include a Year 3 trip to the Chester House Estate to explore the Roman artefacts/excavations they are still uncovering.

The final units of music will encourage the children to enjoy improvisation and will conclude with a unit called ‘Opening Night’.

The children have really enjoyed French this year and will participate in two final units called Little Red Riding Hood and ‘I can’ which focuses on hobbies.

PE will allow the children to complete the Real PE cogs – Physical and Health and Fitness.  There will of course be Sports Day along the way.

Jigsaw PSHE will focus on ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’.

Reading at Home

All children are expected to read regularly every week to an adult and have it signed in their planner by an adult at home. Every five reads earns a merit. When they have read 25 times, they will receive a golden ticket  which will be placed in a prize draw at the end of each half term.

Home/School Planner:

Could you please ensure that your child brings their home/school planner in to school every day. Please feel free to write any comments in it.

Every Friday your child will bring their planner home which will have been signed by their teacher. This should be countersigned by the parent/carer and returned to school again on Monday morning. Children will receive a merit for planners that have been signed when returned on Monday.

Our Classroom Rules:

  • Be respectful.
  • Maintain a clean learning environment.
  • Follow any teachers’ directions the first time.
  • Take responsibility for yourself.

Year 3 Home Learning

Year 3 Curriculum

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Registered number : 7816548 (England and Wales)
Principal: Mr Mark Currell BEd Hons, NPQH

Telephone: 01933 622400

Web: Tapiochre