Year 3 Teaching Staff
Year 3 comprises St George - Mrs Roper St Christopher - Miss Murray
TA - Mrs Lawrence, Miss Hardy and Mrs Reade
Autumn Term
English The children will cover some exciting units this term including a narrative piece around the book ‘Stone Age Boy’, writing a holiday brochure about the Stone Age settlement Skara Brae and then the final unit of the term will be an explanation text named ‘The Street Beneath my Feet’. These units all link to our history and science topics.
Maths The children will complete a unit on place value and then move on to units relating to addition and subtraction and begin a multiplication and division unit. They will complete fluency, reasoning and problem-solving elements in each lesson and begin to focus upon our 3, 4, 8 times tables.
Guided Reading In guided reading we will be focusing on two core texts: Letter to Pluto and Esio Trot. We will be reading the books and using VIPERS skills to develop their comprehension ability.
RE This term’s unit is titled ‘What do Christians learn from the Creation story?’ The children will be invited to retell key stories from the Bible and learn how God created the Earth.
PE This term the children will focus on the personal and the social cogs of the Real PE scheme and then we will move on to a gym unit.
French The children will learn the core phonetics and vocabulary of the French language before moving on to learning basic words and phrases.
Geography The children will complete a fieldwork unit which compares physical and human features of landscapes.
History This term’s unit is titled ‘Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age’. Thechildren will learn about pre-history and study the evidence left behind.
Science Our first unit links to our English and History units whereby the children will study rocks and their properties. This will be followed by a biology unit named ‘Animals including Humans.’
Art In Art and Design the children will learn the basic skills of painting, drawing and printmaking.
PSHE The children will focus on the importance of being themselves and considering their place in the world and then celebrating their differences.
Music In music the children will develop their notation skills before moving on to improvisation.
Computing The children will start their unit learning how to stay safe online before moving on to systems and networks and creating media.
Reading at Home
All children are expected to read regularly every week to an adult and have it signed in their planner by an adult at home. Every five reads earns a merit. When they have read 25 times, they will receive a golden ticket which will be placed in a prize draw at the end of each half term.
Home/School Planner:
Could you please ensure that your child brings their home/school planner in to school every day. Please feel free to write any comments in it.
Every Friday your child will bring their planner home which will have been signed by their teacher. This should be countersigned by the parent/carer and returned to school again on Monday morning. Children will receive a merit for planners that have been signed when returned on Monday.
Our Classroom Rules:
- Be respectful.
- Maintain a clean learning environment.
- Follow any teachers’ directions the first time.
- Take responsibility for yourself.
Year 3 Home Learning
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Year 3 Curriculum