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At St Peter’s CE Academy, we aim to enable all children to enjoy a positive and fulfilling learning experience at school, helping them to achieve their full potential. The staff and local committee of Nene Education Trust warmly welcome you and your child into our school community. We believe in a strong partnership between the school and the parent/carer and like the school, parents/carers have duties toward the children. We have set out the following pledges:

As a parent/carer, I will:

  • Follow the school’s vision and values to maintain the ethos of the school
  • Ensure my child attends school regularly, is on time every day, in the correct full school uniform
  • Encourage my/our child in homework and other opportunities for home learning
  • Let the school know of any problems that might affect my/our child’s work or behaviour
  • Attend parent-teacher consultations about my/our child’s attainment and progress
  • Support the school in its curriculum and policies
  • Work with the school to maintain a good work ethic
  • Support a non smoking site
  • Ensure responsible and respectful use of social media and other forms of communication in the community
  • Not use social media to post photographs of staff or other pupils that may bring then into disrepute, including making comments about pupils, parents, staff of the wider community. This is in line with the law and Malicious Communications Act 1988.
  • Use supportive and appropriate language when discussing school
  • Address any issues regarding school directly with the relevant members of school staff
  • Keep the school informed of child collection arrangements and support the code of conduct which seeks to guarantee a caring, secure and disciplined environment
  • Ensure that the school has up to date information for emergency contacts
  • Support school community events

St Peter’s CE Academy will:

  • Give regular information about your child’s progress in acquiring knowledge and skills
  • Care for your child’s safety
  • Encourage your child to achieve his/her potential in all aspects of school life
  • Give you early notice of any concerns we may have about learning, behaviour or relationships
  • Meet you within a given time frame to discuss and resolve any concerns that you may have
  • Do our best to make you feel welcome and to give you every opportunity to be involved in our teaching and learning programmes
  • Set high standards and provide a quality education for your child
  • Care for your child as a valued member of the school community
  • Maintain a code of conduct which fosters a caring, secure and disciplined environment
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum matched to the needs of all
  • Keep parents/carers informed about any changes within the school

As a pupil, I will:

  • Attend school regularly, on time and ready to learn and take part in all school activities
  • Work to the best of my ability and allow others to do the same
  • Co-operate with the staff and accept the school’s author and rules of conduct
  • Always behave in an appropriate manner in school, to and from school and when representing the school on trips and visits
  • Wear the correct school uniform and abide by standards regarding extremes of fashion, hair accessories, language and body piercing – identified in our uniform policy
  • Consider and respect the feelings and property of other people in school and in the wider community
  • Care for the grounds, buildings, furniture, equipment and books provided at school
  • Ensure my online behaviour reflects the same standards of honesty, respect and consideration that I would use face to face
  • Follow the vision and values to maintain the ethos of the school

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Copyright 2024 © St Peter's CE Primary Academy

Registered number : 7816548 (England and Wales)
Principal: Mr Mark Currell BEd Hons, NPQH

Telephone: 01933 622400

Web: Tapiochre